
24000 W. Dayfield Drive Unit 102, Plainfield, IL 60586

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Plainfield Veterinary Clinic Online Reviews

Plainfield Veterinary Clinic Online Reviews

I have been a client with Dr. Blaso since 2005. It's hard to know exactly how to put into words what I've been through with him over the last many years. I have a large "family" (3 dogs and 5 cats) so I have spent my share of time with him and his staff. He has given my family nothing but the best care since the beginning. He has no hesitation about sitting on the floor with my dogs to make them more comfortable, or even just to say hello to them. The pets are his first priority and he cares about the wellbeing of each one of them. One of my dogs got sick while I was out of town, so I called the office asking for his advice. After he advised me to take them to a vet where I was, he called me from home on his personal time that very night to see how things went and to make sure my dog was ok. In my opinion, he goes above and beyond the call of professional "duty." His entire staff is just as caring and compassionate as he is. They are always helpful and attentive to me and gentle and caring with my pets. My pets actually enjoy going to the vet now! Who would have ever thought…..Thank you for the last 6 years of great service and for the many years that are to come! Bill and Jill and Brutus, Maia, Jack (in memory), Bailey, Onyx, Snickers, Smudge, and Six

Plainfield Veterinary Clinic Online Reviews

I am the happy, proud owner of a wonderful yellow Labrador named Stitch. Stitch was adopted by me and my husband a couple of years ago and we could not be happier. She has been through a lot in the short time that she has been with us; 7 years to be exact.

We have been to other vets in the area and we were very pleased with her care up until the time she contracted Mersa and Blastomytosis. My husband and I really never heard of this chronic medical issue before.

If it wasn't for the never ending trying of Dr. Blaso at the Plainfield Veterinary Clinic and Surgical Center, my husband and I believe our Stitch would not be with us today. Dr. Blaso went wayyyyy out of his way to get us the information we desperately needed to our Stitch could see another day with us. Nobody knows until you walk in our shoes what it's like to watch your dog go downhill day after day and not be able to do anything about it. We tried so many medicines and doses to no avail. Then Dr. Blaso called us both in to talk about Stitch's situation. He is such a caring vet, thorough is a given for him. He checked into places we could purchase our medicines for a much better price to save us money and time. He also found us another specialist who could take care of Stitch as well when he knew he could no longer help get rid of this chronic problem. Most vets would just say hang in there but not Dr. Blaso. It was so frustrating to him not being able to solve this on his own, but finding us this specialist to go to and getting to the bottom of it all was such a relief for us, you have no idea. Thanks to Dr. Blaso we have our sweet Lab back, healthy and doing just fine.

We would also like to commend Dr. Haddy as well. He took care of Stitch when she was being treated for a foot ailment a while back, and he was very helpful in getting her back to normal too.

My husband and I cannot say enough about the Plainfield Veterinary Clinic and Surgical Center. Besides two caring veterinarians they have such a wonderful staff, too. All of the employees from the front desk to the wonderful grooming staff, friendliness, caring and informative are just a few words to describe them. Dr. Blaso should be very proud of the wonderful staff he has for sure!

In closing, I just want to say thanks to everyone at the Plainfield Veterinary Clinic and Surgical Center. My husband and I could not have found a better place to take our Stitch. They really know their stuff!

I also want to add, we had to put our black Lab Zoe down last year, and the way they handled her and me through the whole process was just wonderful. Such care and kindness I felt during that time I can't put into words but all I can say is saying goodbye was sooooo much easier knowing how much they cared. Explaining step by step what was happening, the tenderness and care they gave our Zoe is something I will never forget….Thanks Dr. Blaso and staff for making it easier to say goodbye to our beloved pet!!!! Patsy and Dave

Plainfield Veterinary Clinic Online Reviews

It’s hard to put into words the relationship we have with our Veterinarians and their staff. It’s a feeling!

The most important part is the reaction of our pets to the smiles and greetings that we receive upon arrival and the compassionate and excellent care given to them during exams and surgeries. We can always count on a thorough exam with detailed explanation and follow up care. When was the last time your own MD called you to see how you were doing? These docs do! You will always be educated on your options regarding types of treatment and the amount of money you feel comfortable spending.

We enjoy our visits because they are more than just Veterinarians, they are good people. We wouldn’t take our pets anywhere else! Sol and Kathy

Plainfield Veterinary Clinic Online Reviews

We've been bringing our dogs to PVC for 8 years-- first Gracie (our yellow lab, now a senior dog), and Zoey (golden retriever) since we adopted her last year. We've always had great experiences at PVC-- the doctors and staff are fantastic! Everyone there is friendly and helpful, and the clinic is squeaky-clean! I have to give a special shout-out to Dr. Blaso-- he is the most caring and compassionate veterinarian we've have ever had the pleasure to know-- and by far the most knowledgeable. He's treated our dogs for nearly everything-- from minor skin irritations, to allergies, to ear infections, to surgeries-- and we've always been more than pleased. He always treats the whole patient-- not just the condition that brings you to the clinic. He doesn't hesitate to refer to a specialist when he feels it's necessary-- but honestly, we're glad that's only been necessary once for us, because we're crazy about him :)

Yes, we've had to wait a bit on occasion, but as other reviewers have stated, when it's our turn and he's treating our dog, it's never rushed-- we're always treated like we're the only ones in the clinic, and that he will spend as much time with us as necessary.

I can't comment on whether PVC is more or less expensive, relative to other vet clinics in the area. We've never shopped around because we have no interest in going elsewhere-- even if we could save a few bucks by doing so. There are other clinics closer to our home, but PVC and Dr. Blaso are worth the extra effort. They give it back 10x over :) Lisa

I have been a client since 2000. I originally came to Plainfield Veterinary Clinic and Surgical Center because I was new to the area and it was close to my home. I had an emergency with my Rottweiler shortly after becoming a client. I called to let Dr. Blaso know that Baron had labored breathing and I was having trouble getting him up. Dr. Blaso told me to bring him in right away and he would me meet me outside to help get him out of the car, since he weighed 120 lbs.

Dr. Blaso met me at the door and told his staff to reschedule his other appointments and gave us 100% of his attention. Once in the exam room, he started an electrocardiogram to check Barron’s heart. During the EKG, Baron’s heart stopped. We chose to try CPR and Dr. Blaso and his tech lifted Baron to take him to the surgery room. I asked if I could go with. Dr. Blaso told me “absolutely”. I was never separated from my pet. They let me stay with him the entire time, which was so important to me.

Dr. Blaso makes a point of getting to know you and all your pets. Due to the amazing compassion my pets and my family have received from everyone at the clinic, during one of my visits I asked Dr. Blaso for a job. I have been working here ever since and I love my job. I don’t plan on going anywhere. I truly believe in the doctors and our entire staff. Their compassion, knowledge and love for animals and their humans is amazing! Ami Smith, client and Practice Manager

I am the medical coordinator for Midwest Lab Rescue and the Plainfield Veterinary Clinic and Surgical Center is our top veterinary hospital that we use for our rescue group. They are always extremely accommodating when we have dogs admitted in to them at the last minute. They never turn us away. Dr. Haddy and Dr. Blaso are very good diagnosticians. A couple of times we have had dogs with lumps or something abnormal and they suggested we run a test or do a biopsy to make sure we don’t’ miss something. On a couple of those cases, an abnormal result came back. It was good we ran those tests because we were able to catch things before anything progressed. I feel they do a very thorough exam on all our dogs and don’t skimp on anything with us just because we are a rescue group. They also do not push un-necessary tests or medications unless they feel they are needed for the pet. I would highly recommend them to anyone and would feel very comfortable having one of my dogs see the doctors at Plainfield Veterinary Clinic and Surgical Center. Francee Nachbar, Medical Coordinator, Midwest Lab Rescue

Plainfield Veterinary Clinic and Surgical Center is the best pet care facility in our book! Dr. Blaso and his amazing staff have gone above and beyond to care for “our girls, Katie and Nikki”, a German Short-haired Pointer Mix with Addison’s Disease and Bilateral Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy (TPLO), and a Miniature Dachshund that battled Meningitis and won!

The high compassion and ability to understand what the animal is feeling is amazing, but what is even more amazing is their compassion for us, the family. The doctors and staff stay with you and spend the time answering all of your questions and explaining the care need to ensure everyone is comfortable with what needs to happen and what will be in the future.

Our dogs, our old gals..they are our children, and we can’t think of anyone of any place better to care for them. Thank you Dr. Blaso and staff for all that you have done and continue to do. Steve, Valarie, Katie and Nikki

We have been clients of Plainfield Veterinary Clinic and Surgical Center since they first opened in 1999. We had just adopted a 6 week old kitten and within days it was very ill. We brought him in hoping that he would survive as he was very tiny. We were told he may not make it but they would do everything they could for him. Not only did he survive, he is about to turn 12 and not so tiny anymore! We credit the kind, caring and knowledgeable staff for nursing him back to health. We also brought our Brittany Spaniel Charlie to the clinic, loving the fact that he would be groomed and boarded in the same place that his trusted veterinarians were. He saw both Dr. Blaso and Dr. Haddy and he loved them both! Since first coming to Plainfield Veterinary Clinic and Surgical Center in 1999, we have never once thought about going anywhere else. They treat us and our animals like family and you just can’t find that kind of attitude many places anymore. Deb, client since 1999 and current employee

Dr. Blaso was handpicked for me by another vet!

I was introduced to the clinic when I came to this area from Germany in 1998 and brought my greyhound with me. One of the greyhound rescue organizations in this area uses the main vet clinic exclusively for their dogs. I was never disappointed in the care I received for any of my pets, which numbered four at one time (1 dog & 3 cats). I clicked with one particular vet who became my absolute favorite and I began to request her exclusively. I was never more pleased with the care she rendered to my pets and believe me, I am a picky pet parent. She decided to pursue more schooling in another state, but told me she would hand-pick her replacement for me before she left. At that point, she no longer had to remain loyal to her employer, so she could have picked anyone in the area. As it turns out, she selected Dr. Blaso at the Plainfield Vet Clinic and he has been nothing short of AWESOME!! He is easy to talk to and sincerely cares about animals. It's tough to walk that fine line between what he feels is the best option for treating a pet versus what a customer wants and/or can afford. Funds have been an issue for me many times, but Dr. Blaso always offers me options - - not what he CAN'T do but what he CAN do. When I had to put down my much-loved black cat (who also came with me from Germany), Dr. Blaso actually sat on the floor with me so we could observe my pet and discuss numerous options. He finally told me, in the most compassionate way possible, that "We can spend money hand over fist, but this cat is never going to be well again. The best we can hope for is to extend her life for a few months, but it is entirely your decision." That doesn't sound like someone who is just interested in making money to me! He said he would leave me in the room with my pet and that I could take as long as necessary to make a decision. I finally admitted that she was shutting down (at 16 years old) and I knew what I had to do. Dr. Blaso told me to take as much time as I wanted to say goodbye - - I was not rushed in any way. I got to hold my sweet girl while she was being put down, albeit crying the whole time, and was allowed to take as long as I needed before leaving. Dr. Blaso was very gentle and compassionate through the entire ordeal - - I could not have asked for better! Then, a couple of days later, I received a card from Dr. Blaso expressing sincere condolences at the loss of my sweet cat - - something I HAVE NEVER experienced in all my travels to different locations during 24 years with the military!! To me, this said that Dr. Blaso was born to be a vet - - and an excellent one he is! He is VERY smart and is always open to discuss and share ideas - - there isn't an arrogant bone in his body when it comes to what is best for his patients! Now, are you going to listen to someone who has seen Dr. Blaso ONE TIME, or someone who has been with him for YEARS?! And I'll bet money that the reason the unhappy customers went to this clinic was because they were equally unhappy with another clinic, and would even go so far as to say that they probably wouldn't be happy with ANY vet clinic! As far as the prices, I have checked around over the years, just to stay on top of things, and I have actually found most of the other animal clinics to be MORE expensive! I can emphatically say that I trust Dr. Blaso IMPLICITLY and I am blessed to know him!! I will also say that even though I've had to wait for a while, I was never rushed when it was my turn. I take the responsibility to make sure I understand the instructions and to question whatever I need clarification on, rather than to blame someone else for everything - - some things are beyond control and it takes two to tango. If Dr. Blaso ever leaves this clinic I hope he stays in the area because I will definitely follow him to where ever he practices veterinary medicine! Bari

I Love PVC! I will go nowhere else!

My 2 1/2 year old Doberman, Denali, has just been through hell and almost died. With the help of Dr. Blaso, Kat, Jen, Gerri and all the employees at PVC, he is alive and getting stronger by the day.

They have spent hours upon hours with me over the past two weeks helping me nurse him back to health. They have stayed with me, while I sat on their VERY CLEAN floors in the back of the hospital, way past the close of business, to make sure we were missing nothing and went to great lengths to make sure that we did whatever was medically necessary to help my big boy survive. Dr. Blaso has also spent a great deal of time on the phone consulting with specialists to ensure we are missing nothing. I have been involved with every step of his care and they have run no tests or performed procedures without my knowledge, consent, and often times help. They have allowed me to stay right by his side through everything, which has not only helped Denali emotionally, but helped me as well.

Being in animal rescue for years, I have visited many, many other vet clinics and I can tell you that I do not trust any other clinic with the care of my own, personal multiple pets - or my rescue dogs for that matter. They treat my pets like their own and are familiar with them all.

Over the past couple weeks I have had many employees of PVC praying and rooting for Denali to heal and be well again. We are there every other day now and everyone is excited to see him every time we walk in. They have all taken a personal interest in him, and I respect them all so much for that.

I, too, have experienced a wait when I go to see them for an appointment, but I know why I wait. They take their time with the animals they are caring for, answer the owner's questions, return phone calls, consult specialists, CLEAN.......most often in between appointments. After every visit they have to plug your pets care and any medication information into their computer. God forbid an emergency comes in. Would you like them to turn those animals away so as not to 'inconvenience' you? This all takes time. I have seen the process and appreciate how hard they all work. I have seen and know how the animals are treated when they are taken in back for care, vaccinations, etc. They do care for and are gentle with the animals. I would rather wait and know that my pet and the ones of others before and after me are being given the attention they deserve and need.....especially since the animals can't speak to tell us exactly what's wrong.

I personally refer everyone to Plainfield Vet friends, neighbors, family and rescue adopters. Incompetent, unprofessional and unfriendly.......NO WAY!!! The staff there may never truly know how much of a difference they have made in Denali's life and mine. My pets are my children and the extra 100 miles they have gone for Denali will never, ever be forgotten. They have all my respect and I highly recommend their clinic any day of the week. Marci

Dr. Blaso is great. He took time to know my pets and to know us. Yes, they're a bit pricier than other vets in the area, but they know what they're doing.

Take time to get to know the Doctor's and their knowledge. They're smart. I've never had any problems there and they're very willing to work with Dog Taxi's.

I have had good experiences with Plainfield Veterinary Clinic. Dr. Blaso was extremely helpful with our Sharpei puppy when she came down with a case of swolen hock syndrome. He even did further research on the subject due to the fact that they don't see many cases of it. He really seemed to care. He is the only doctor we have seen there so I can't comment on the others. Patricia

Veterinarian Services Plainfield

Veterinarians serving Plainfield IL

24000 W. Dayfield Drive Unit 102, Plainfield, IL 60586


Veterinary Clinic Hours:

7:00am - 7:00pm

7:00am - 2:00pm


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Plainfield Veterinary Clinic and Surgical Center © 2023
Veterinary care in Plainfield, Naperville, Shorewood, Joliet, Crest Hill and surrounding towns
24000 W. Dayfield Drive Unit 102, Plainfield, IL 60586
Veterinary Website Design by Cheshire Partners